December 17, 2011

Off Season Results

It's been quite a while since my last post...  What have I been doing since then?  Besides taking some well deserved time off, I had two goals: strength training and nutrition.  I have made solid efforts to address these areas and I am amazed at the impact they have had.  

Stir Fry

I am not counting calories, just changing the content of what I eat. Yes, I eat vegetables regularly now.  **gasp**  My family can hardly believe it.  Bok choy, peppers, eggplant, tomato or butternut squash soup, coffee, etc.  It wasn't that I was choosing unhealthy meals before (fast food, pop, sugary cereals, frozen dinners), I just didn't eat a balanced diet. 

A year ago I made a deal with my mom that I would eat 2 vegetables a day if she would exercise 30 min a day... I won that bet (heehee) but the habit didn't stick mainly because I continued to buy food options that were convenient (rice cakes, crackers, sandwich meats/cheese, dried fruit, trail mix). 

Light bulgar with salmon,
asparagus, and almonds
The one thing that helped was to prepare meals ahead of time.  Sundays are now typically reserved for cooking.  I make a large amount of food and eating it several days in a row.  I've found recipes that freeze well, so I can have options throughout the week too.  This has controlled my portion sizes, ensured a healthier content, and saved me time getting ready for work in the mornings!  I'm surprised my tastes have adapted so quickly, but I'm hooked! Send me some recipes!


Strength Training:

This is the area of training I am most surprised about.  My first 2 sessions with Mark Messer were awful.  I knew I'd be sore, but not THAT sore!   Embarrassing, mainly because we only did 5 things.  I didn't realize how weak my muscles had gotten, or at least how ill-prepared they were for high-intensity, resistance, or power workouts.  

So, I've been following his lifting plan for 8 weeks.  I am shocked... SHOCKED at how different I feel as I start back into training.  Messer put together a plan specific to my strengths/weaknesses, had me lift on my own at the gym near my home, then meet with him 1x a week if I was in town.  Our first concern was to make sure I didn't add muscle bulk.  Goal met.  Our next goal was to build strength and explosive power (and yes, there is a huge difference).  Some of you may be saying, "wait a second...I thought this whole past season you focused on power and high-intensity training".  Yes.  Lifting is bringing me back to a whole level of training I'd forgotten about since college. 

In the pool, my core is stronger and my form is returning quicker.

On the bike, I've done some of the interval workouts from last season in my first week back -pleasantly surprised how they went.  Lifting will help me power up hills, respond to surges, and find a new tolerance to high intensity racing.    
Both are left shoes: blue one is from 2011; yellow one is from 2010
Notice the drastic wear on the outer heel of the right shoe run form is quite different now.  All of my shoes used to look like the yellow one
Running.  I understand that it often takes 3 years to make a successful jump to new training.  Last year, we focused on basic run form.  It took months of blisters and sore muscles before I started to run comfortably.  This year I've retained what I learned, but now I'm feeling and understanding the details of running better with better core and leg strength.   

SHOCKED I tell you... had no idea lifting could be a missing link.  Loving it!  Thanx Messer- you rock!  (oh, and by the way...  if you're in the mood for an interesting story, I've got plenty from the weight room.  It's a whole different world on that side of the gym). 

Let's be honest...I haven't eliminated
all sweets.  That's just silly... especially
when it's time to decorate
Christmas cookies

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