February 10, 2012

Swimming: Back to the Basics

Quick trip to Disney

I had all these grand ideas to update each week from Florida.  Successful week #1.  I do best with a schedule, under deadlines, etc.  Therefore, when I am given extra time, I take it.  My manager at work can testify to that :)  Maybe because I am so scheduled other times.  Who knows...

Rediscovered "unwinding" at the lake
and am about to finish my 2nd book :)

Since my last post I have been pushing through multiple workouts each day.  Nothing new, except for the swim.  

Ironman mass swim start.  Fight the crowd,
draft, stay strong and steady!

 Yes, the swim.  What I once considered a "strength" of mine, no longer....oh, no.  Not in comparison to this crowd (it's all relative isn't it?).  Since I've graduated from competitive swimming in 1998 (yes, 14 years ago- I feel so old) I've been training myself; at best, training alongside other friends.  My brother is insistent that I train with an age group team; others have suggested swimming with a masters team.  I've attempted both but nothing seems to fit right. 

ITU swim start; fewer numbers, fast swimmers.
Don't lose the front pack!
The first 2 weeks here I jumped in with other elite triathletes from the area, including Sara McLarty, Jarrod Shoemaker, Alicia Kaye, Sarah Haskins, Nathan Kortuem, Gwen Jorgensen, Lauren Goss, Joe Umphenour, Natalie Kirchhoff.  (If you are not familiar with these names, check the triathlete magazines or race results.  Their pictures will stare back at you and their results will be at the top.)  These athletes compete in short distance races and ITU draft legal races - where the swim is CRUCIAL to set you up for a successful race.  In long distance racing the 25-55min swim is not as important when it is followed up by a 56-112mile bike and 13-26mile run- plenty of time bridge the gap. 

This month I went from swimming 10k-12k (all pretty moderate efforts) to 23k in the first week (NOT moderate efforts...).  After each workout I was sooo tired and had to take a nap.  Needless to say I overstepped the 10% rule (never increase your distance or intensity more than 10% each week to avoid injury) and paid for it dearly.  I was a zombie for about 2 days at the start of week #3 and had to ease back into workouts.  Who knew it would be the swim that would push me over the top...  Yes, I need to get back to this level of training, but I need to be smart about it.  This week I've made some adjustments. 

Lesson learned?  Yes - 2 big ones:

#1:  The 10% rule is real.  Give it the respect it deserves, even in the pool.  Most people apply this rule in attempts to avoid common injuries associated with running.  If you have a coach, they most likely tracking the details.  If you are training yourself, get out a calendar and map it out.  Work backwards from your "A" race.  What is the race distance?  What is your goal time?  Be sure you are training AT LEAST that distance and speed 3-5x a week through various swim sets the month leading up to the race.  Look at your current workouts and figure out a step-by-step progression to meet that goal. 

#2:  Search your community to find a group (or friend) that fits your schedule and matches/challenges your fitness level.  It is unbelievable the differences you'll experience knowing there are others pushing the workout alongside you.  Waking up at "0-dark-hundred" isn't as bad, it goes by faster, and you swim faster.  If you are fortunate to have a coach on deck, they can evaluate your technique on occasion and offer suggestions. 

Yes, David (my brother) you are right...  I have needed this type of group for a long time.  My intensity needs a jolt.  My form has gone to crap.  I need people around to push me.  I've known this for quite a while but living it recently has moved it to the front of my priority list.  So Ohio friends... any takers??   Let's create a successful, positive swim environment together. 


  1. heck missy, im always on board to train with you and Veritas training anytime. Im just slow as a turtle, but with with all of your help, one day I will be good.

  2. @josh: i'd hardly consider you slow as a turtle :)

  3. Hey Missy!
    I love to swim!! My schedule is all over the place, but if you all would like to swim 6am at Troy YMCA with my husband and I, it would be great to have some company:)There are some days I can do late mornings or afternoons. Not sure where you usually swim. I'm not fast either, but trying to improve! So any tips and encouragement is welcome!

    Carrie Behme:)

  4. Come on out to CO... you can train with our team!
