October 19, 2011

Columbus Marathon

Race Start
This past weekend I got front row footage of my sister's first marathon!  
Me, Crysten, David
pre-race- brrr!
 Her training leading up to the race didn't include the 16, 18, 20, 22 milers everyone does, but as I'm learning from this season not everyone needs that much volume.  She did consistent 2hr long runs with lifting and/or pilates afterwards.  Here's how her day went:

Mile 1 - Layers to start
Temp: cool and breezy

Mile 3- David (brother) set the pace
the first 13.1 miles, making sure
she didn't go out too hard

Mile 4

Saw this guy and HAD to get a picture!  We passed...

Mile 6 - we kept reminding her
NOT to speed up when weaving
around the crowd

Mile 10 - Still smiling.  I'm running intervals
at this point trying to get good shots. 

When we got to mile 12 David had to
help with the counting :)

Her husband Brendan and
youngest son cheered her on
at the halfway point

David did a great job keeping her first half under control
and set her up for a successful second half.  Bye Uncle Caca!
We called and kept him updated during the 2nd half. 

Running around OSU campus.  I left her
for a while and ran with Jennifer Haywood. 
This was her 1st marathon too and she
needed some company 

Took time to enjoy
the race :)

We walked through aid stations, making sure to get plenty of water, Gatorade, and take down GU's every 3-4 miles.  I brought plenty of extras - I know how important nutrition is during a marathon!  Overall, I had 4 GU's and she took in 5.  I kept urging her to keep a steady pace.
Most people hit the wall somewhere
between mile 16 and 20.  Not here!
I told her we could pick things up if she was feeling good near the very end.  She was ready!

Mile 25 - no looking back anymore!

1st 13.1 split: 2:19
2nd 13.1 split: 2:08
26.2 total: 4:27!!
You did it!!

She picked it up the last half - negative split by 11 minutes!!  I pointed out to her how she was passing hundreds of people and no one was passing her.  Smart racing yields good results

  Crysten, I am so proud of you! 
You did amazing! 

Post race Chipotle- Mmmmm!

She always makes fun of me for wearing my 110% compression gear.  Not anymore...  how those legs feeling today?  Pretty good, huh? 

Post race: stretching and compression
for the race Sherpa/photographer (me).

Ready for more?  :)  :)  :)

1 comment:

  1. I want to be on this team. You guys are having too much fun! You guys should join me in Florida
