April 29, 2011

St Anthony's pre race

This week I’m somewhere in between “Holy crap- what have I got myself into” and… well, yeah… that’s basically where I am.  My mind is in a million places this past week between the everyday life details (spending time with family to celebrate Easter weekend, mowing my jungle lawn, drying out my basement, and staying busy at work) and getting ready for the race this weekend.  I’m ready to see where my winter training puts me at the start of the season- and ultimately how the results will guide my training.  I am starting the season in shape, motivated, and full of potential for improvement.  Great place to be!  So why am I nervous?  Here are my top 3 reasons:
1.       Participant list- wow
2.       First travel race of the season.
3.       Shorter races = more intense pain = different racing
I always get nervous at races, no matter what the level.  Who doesn’t?   Everyone looks so fit and fast!  I even get nervous at races when I’m cheering friends on.  This race just adds the element of the unknown in a couple areas.  I’m ready for my eyes to be opened, stomach to be filled with butterflies, and legs screaming.  2+ hours of “Go, go, go, go!  Push harder!  Wow she’s fast!  Hang on!  This hurts… a lot more than I thought”… and so on.  I can guess where my fitness level is, but have no clue how my mind will handle the race.  I’ve started a game with some friends: guess my finish time.  Prize for the person who guesses the closest maybe…J 
Clean slate, no expectations, be thankful for the opportunity and enjoy a couple days in warmer weather!  I just arrived here in St Petersburg last night, got my wake-up swim in, went to the grocery store, and am kicking back on the couch.  Will update with pictures and details throughout the weekend. 

Here is the view from my patio...transition area is right across the grass.  woo hoo


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